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TCS Ninja Interview Questions for CSE Students 2023:
TCS Ninja Technical Round Interview Questions :
- Difference between truncate and delete
- Triggers in MYSQL
- Basic logic of prime no, rev string, and palindrome
- Asked about College/Internship Project
- MYSQL Queries
- Asked to predict the output of few C++ programs
- Asked the difference between void static and public
- Asked about Stored procedure in the project and 3 more questions on stored procedure.
- Group by, different types of joins
- Drop delete truncate
TCS Ninja Management Round Interview Questions:
- Greatest challenge in your life
- Where do u see yourself after 5 years
- What did u do in quarantine?
- How do I manage exams and internals during quarantine?
- Any recent or any past challenges that occurred in life.
TCS Ninja HR Interview Questions
- Goals
- What is success for you?
- Relocation and Shifts
- If I had backlogs or any other offers.
- Asked about my interpersonal skills (from CV)
TCS Ninja Interview Questions For IT Students:
TCS Ninja Technical Round Interview Questions
- Mentioned data structures and SQL
- Linear and non-linear
- What is a binary tree and what is the need for it?
- Why do we need BST?
- Explain all traversals
- Given a tree and told to write down all traversals
- MYSQL Queries
- What are the view and materialized views?
- Can we do indexing on views?
- How would you tune a SQL query?
- How to create a trigger?
- Difference between function and procedure
- Group by and where clause